Sunday 22 May 2011

Yellow Gold Oolong/Tie Guan Yin

Yellow Gold Oolong

"There’s a new gold rush in town and while we can’t promise it will make you rich, this Yellow Gold Oolong tea will definitely make you feel like a million dollars. The hand-rolled leaves open beautifully to create a complex mix of sweetness and tangyness topped off with notes of fresh grass."

Type; Oolong, China, Tie Guan Yin

Price; £ 12.98 for 100 grams from Eteaket

Review; As promised, please find delivered my review of Yellow Gold Oolong. There remains two predominant traditional styles of oolongs, if indeed one wants to try and categorize them as such; which can be defined as light and dark. The dark presenting more roasted, higher levels of oxidation. The lights presenting as delicate and floral as buds on a bush. Oolongs are defined, along with being a completely different style to processing tea, as a range of oxidation and fermentation ranging from almost zero like greens, all the way to 90 percent, close to black teas. Yellow Gold Oolong is one of the few teas to have captured my soul. the first time I tried it, I opened the tea pot searching through the leaves for the mysterious source of the fragrance to identify. Years have now passed, the fragrance remains, that of tea. If this review is already seemingly more loopy, and "poetic" than normal, it is a direct testament to this tea. Teas are meant to alter our mind, bring consciousness, invigorate us.

There is literally not a single bad word to be said, floral, delicate, the floral scent first reminded me of a peony, or a gardenia. With such a heady scent, it is truly amazing to realize a tea when it is at its full potential.

I have already done a review upon Tie Guan Yin before for the observant reader to notice. However this one I have felt needs specific notice. For those curious about Tie Guan Yin, this is a surprisingly decent wiki article. However there has been a growing trend in China to title almost everything Tie Guan Yin. Even greens or blacks have managed to procure the name, as in a failed attempt that the name by proxy deliveries the delicious notes to the palate.


-Tea Fanatic

Monday 16 May 2011

Lemongrass and Marigold

Lemongrass and Marigold

"A startling blend of lemon grass, freeze-dried strawberries and marigold blossoms. The strawberry flavours burst through the tangy lemon grass to create an intense lemon berry blend. The marigold blossoms add an absinthian whisper.
Freshly cut lemon grass has an extraordinary, slightly rose like, lemon aroma. Marigolds a bitter-sweet, anise like flavour. Together with the freeze-dried strawberries, the combination is both intense and exhilarating."

Type; Infusion, Indian/Mixture, Lemongrass, Strawberry, Marigold, Lemon , Apple, Pineapple

Price; £ 4.00 for 100 grams from Anteaques.

Review; Describing this infusion is always very interesting. It rapidly became one of Anteaques's best selling "teas" (Tea is strictly defined as from origin of Camellia Sinensis). I'd imagine as summer progresses this will only increase. At the tea tasting comparison I briefly mentioned before with Bouteaque Blue Mist, this infusion actually took first place. (There was a bit of contention over whether an infusion should be allowed to take first).

The taste is very unique. It almost interacts on the tongue similar to Champagne, affecting several locations at the same time. A tart zest that progresses into a distinct sweetness. Complex tastes for an herbal infusion (I am an eliteast), it certainly enjoys a benefit of never over-brewing. I enjoyed this tea with two other friends, and while we got to laughing at some of the descriptions and trying to describe the tea, I feel it is only fitting to relay their opinions. "Yellow" "sweet, citric, lemon out the citri, tantalizing" and apparently "it tastes just like tang". I believe the addition of Marigold flowers was a wonderful decision. In China Marigold tea is the most popular tea to drink during the summer. The flowers have a wonderful tartness to them that just seems to complement the heat of the day.

Regardless the flavours are well presented in this tea, and while I would never have really imagined strawberries and lemongrass ever working together, they both add subtle characteristics and notes to each other.
I strongly suggest trying this infusion for the summer.


-Tea Fanatic

I have felt the need to include some of the other reviews my friends thought up.
"tastes like pondweed"
"lemongrass and flowers"
"Lemsip without bitterness"
followed shortly by "maybe it just says a lot about Lemsip"

Sunday 15 May 2011

Goomtee Darjeeling 2nd Flush FTGFOP1

Goomtee Darjeeling

"A sensational classic Darjeeling tea."
Type; Black, Indian, Darjeeling, FTGFOP1 Second Flush

Price; £ 17.50 for 100 grams from Anteaques. (Edit 17/5/2011 JING tea removed)

Review; Sending tea, and taking pictures for a friend has prompted a review of this tea. Before I get into the grit, a bias should be announced. I love Darjeeling tea more than life sometimes. This tea is also the second most expensive tea I have consumed. And it has currently ranked as my favourite. Of the 85 known estates (I'm quoting 85 as that was the number published in this book, while some website publish numbers as high as 92), I have had the privileged of only trying a third. I've previously lamented over Darjeelings and how wonderful and fantastic they are on my review over Marybong Darjeeling First Flush. However Goomtee is perhaps the first second flush to amaze me.

Goomtee is a small estate, located high in the Himalayan mountains in the northern most region designated for Darjeeling. Perhaps this is what leads to its mythical brew. If one was ever curious about the "muscatel" tones that are so often used to describe a Darjeeling, this is the tea to base your definition. Fruity in a sickly sweet sort of way, this is most certainly not a tea to adulterate with milk or sugar. I have felt the need to put that in bold; a tea of this class, of this quality, to be ruined by such inferiour products is a sin. Floral notes can be tasted too, which bring to mind wild summer flowers growing after a storm. The fruit is hard to distinguish but I would say almost imagine a pear cider wine with cherries mixed in. Muscatel. I know its overly pretentious, but this is a tea that's best description is a mood. Calm. Tranquil. When I was preparing for exams I actually had to limit my consumption of this tea as it is entirely possible to spend hours of inner peace accomplishing nothing but relaxation. Not overly astringent, it does leave you thirsting for more.

I have actually placed an order of JING's version as I am skeptical of the quality that they are selling. An edit may appear later for this review of that tasting.

(Edit 17/5/2011 JING tea; Inferior tea, I have removed the link from the top of the page as I would not encourage people to try it as a good example of what a Goomtee should taste like. JING Goomtee tastes more like a Margaret's Hope, or a mixture of several estates. No to little astringency. Maybe a full review will come at another time, however we will see if time permits.)

Here is the wiki page to Darjeeling Tea ( but I strongly suggest reading the above book to gain a better appreciation behind the tea industry itself. There are too many books published about "tea" without actually saying anything.


-Tea Fanatic

Saturday 14 May 2011

Hello Again!

Pip pip cheerio!

I'm back. Or at least I think I am. This past year I became over whelmed, and I am certain that will happen again this year, but hopefully I'll post at least at an irregular schedule. I've relinquished some responsibilities (which if you know me, is a very big deal).

I've also done some thinking. While originally this blog was going to be away for me to express my views and generally bitch about tea and what not. I've sort of had a realization that being the "bitchy" friend means that actually the quotes should be around the word "friend". I'll probably still say things that get me in trouble, but I will try to give greater justification, and if anyone has a problem with a review, I'd love to hear their opinion/evidence about how I was wrong.

I'm also going to try and keep this as un-personal as possible. Those that know me in real life...know that I have obvious biases. I plan on keeping this as un-biased as possible and as anonymous as possible.

So without further ado, I give you the tea I breathe, drink, and generally live for.

Bouteaque Blue Mist

Bouteaque Blue Mist

"The production of our Bouteaque Blue Mist tea from India is unique and therefore top secret. The resulting cup has complex and competing flavours that pull together to produce a refined and distinguished tea unlike anything else we have tasted. Like a private members club in Mayfair or an invite to the Playboy Mansion to party with Hugh Hefner, this tea is uber-exclusive and uber-good. Strictly for the A-list fashionista."

Type; Black, Indian, Nilgiri, FTGFOP

Price; £ 9.98 for 100 grams from Eteaket.

Review; Ask Erika what tea personifies Eteaket best and she will tell you Bouteaque Blue Mist. Winner of several tasting awards and a tea unique to Eteaket with Erika having personally visited the estate to choose the best quality. It is not often that one finds a Nilgiri tea by itself. First impression gives a distinct malty caramel notes with a flush of citrus that reminds me of a lemon tea later, hidden somewhere in the "mists". However I will be the first to state that this is not Eteaket's best tea. To me it is their Yellow Gold Oolong. This is the tea that brought me back today. In fact at a recent tea tasting comparison, Bouteaque Blue Mist tied for 6th place. I believe that if Yellow Gold Oolong had been tasted it would have taken its name sake. A separate review of Yellow Gold Oolong will come at some point. I do feel describing the production method of Boteaque Blue Mist as "unique" and "top secret" might be over the top.

Tea or Tea shop at fault?

While this tea is interesting, its not a tea that I feel I will go out of the way to own. In fact if I were to receive it as a gift it might end up being re-gifted at Christmas time. Its nice, but maybe better suited to someone else. Which leads me to the question of if its the tea I didn't like or the tea shop. I've been to Eteaket several times now, and have noticed a re-occurring problem where too much tea is brewed in their small pots. Each pot holds probably close to .5 litres. In each of these pots probably around 5 grams is added. For this size it is too much and to me brews too much on the heavy side. While I appreciate the fact that tea can be taken out, I have received my tea numerous times when it has already over brewed just waiting to be delivered to my table.


Nilgiri teas are quite interesting. Wiki article below, Nilgiri's are wonderfully fragrant yet offer a good strong body. This often times led to them being used predominately in flavoured and scented teas. In my head I compare them to a Keemun or a Yunnan Indian equivalent to China. As the tea producing regions continue to shift towards Africa this may suggest a growing trend of Nilgiri's being produced by themselves. Though a recent book I have read (Darjeeling, The Golden Brew) talks about the level of marketing required, Nilgiri still has a long way to go.

To sum up my review, Bouteaque Blue Mist offers a nice burnt caramel malty tea with hints of lemon mingled. Certainly something to try, I wouldn't really rank it as a tea I would want to own.