Saturday 14 May 2011

Hello Again!

Pip pip cheerio!

I'm back. Or at least I think I am. This past year I became over whelmed, and I am certain that will happen again this year, but hopefully I'll post at least at an irregular schedule. I've relinquished some responsibilities (which if you know me, is a very big deal).

I've also done some thinking. While originally this blog was going to be away for me to express my views and generally bitch about tea and what not. I've sort of had a realization that being the "bitchy" friend means that actually the quotes should be around the word "friend". I'll probably still say things that get me in trouble, but I will try to give greater justification, and if anyone has a problem with a review, I'd love to hear their opinion/evidence about how I was wrong.

I'm also going to try and keep this as un-personal as possible. Those that know me in real life...know that I have obvious biases. I plan on keeping this as un-biased as possible and as anonymous as possible.

So without further ado, I give you the tea I breathe, drink, and generally live for.

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